21 Day Equity Challenge


The 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge is designed to create dedicated time and space to raise your awareness, change your understanding and shift the way you think and behave. The goal is to help you think deeper and to truly see the inequities within our community. The Challenge is simple: you, along with your friends, family, and neighbors in Genesee and Shiawassee Counties, commit to deepening your understanding of, and willingness to confront racism for twenty-one consecutive days. The Challenge will raise your awareness, change your understanding, and shift the way you behave.

Click here to Register TODAY! 

Why participate?

The color of your skin, your family lineage, your zip code should help influence your successes, not dictate them. People should not be defined by their DNA, but by the impact they make in this world. In order to move towards a culture where people are seen by their impact; we must create an equitable society. While change has happened focus must not just be on creating an equal opportunity society, but an equitable equal opportunity society. Click here for more on UWGC's view of equality and equity. 

The recent release of the ALICE and Black Households Data clearly illustrates the inequities that are deeply rooted in our national, state, and local systems and institutions.  Over the 21-day Challenge, you will take a self-guided learning journey that examines the history and impacts of racism and how it shapes peoples lived experience in Genesee and Shiawassee Counties. 

How it works

  • You (along with your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors) commit to deepening your understanding of, and willingness to confront, racism for twenty-one consecutive days from Monday, October5th – Sunday, October 25th. 
  • During every morning of the Challenge, you'll receive an email "prompt" with readings, videos and/or podcasts. You are encouraged to take  ten to fifteen minutes each day with the material. We encourage you to schedule this time everyday, when you can focus on the material. 
    • Please be sure to check Junk and other folders if you do not see the email in your main Inbox.
  • Explore this work on your own, with friends and family, or organization-wide. Download our discussion guide by clicking here
  • Capture your daily reflections and actions using our activity log. Click here to download the log.  
  • Share your reflections and “a ha” moments using the hashtags #miuwequitychallenge and #UWGCequity
  • Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

What will you learn?

Each day you will be challenged to really see what is happening around you and how it impacts people of colorThe following topics will be covered during The Challenge:

Day 1: Personal Racial Identity 
Day 2: Personal Reflection & Implicit Bias 
Day 3: What is Privilege? 
Day 4: What is White Fragility? 
Day 5: Racial Socialization
Day 6: Levels of Racism 
Day 7: Opportunity in Michigan 
Day 8: Segregation in Michigan 
Day 9: Housing Affordability & Homelessness 
Day 10: Healthcare & Health Outcomes 
Day 11: Environmental Justice 
Day 12: The Wealth Gap & Financial Stability 
Day 13: Early Childhood 
Day 14: Education & School-aged Children
Day 15: Adverse Childhood Experiences 
Day 16: Equity & the LGBTQI+ Community
Day 17: Building a Race Equity Culture
Day 18: Being an Ally 
Day 19: Tools for the Racial Equity Change Process 
Day 20: Final Reflections 
Day 21: Take Action in Your Community   

Questions? Email us at jessenmacher@unitedwaygenesee.org

This Challenge was originally developed by Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr., Dr. Marguerite Penick-Parks and Debby Irving and has been adapted by Food Solutions New England. The Michigan Association of United Ways has committed to adapt the challenge with the support of leaders across our Michigan United Way network. A special thank you to the United Way of Washtenaw County for their leadership and guidance.